Lastly, all factions have access to the EMP Blast power available by capturing an EMP Control Center with an engineer. 最后,所有阵营都能够用工程师占领EMP控制中心来获得EMP攻击的能力。
By destroying the purchasing power of money, the government can engineer a speedy reduction in indebtedness across the economy, at the expense of creditors, principally the elderly and foreigners. 通过破坏货币的购买力,政府可以操纵整个经济的负债水平迅速下降,这是以牺牲债权人的利益为代价的,主要是那些老年人和外国人。
Power and energy meter is like the eyes of the engineer and customer. 功率和能量计就像是工程师和客户的眼睛。
Electric power is measured in watts, named after the famous British engineer James Watt. 电功率以瓦特为测量单位,那是以著名的英国工程师詹姆斯瓦特命名的。
This is another simple question that becomes more complex the moment you bring a power engineer to the table. 这个简单的问题在功率工程师加入之后即变得更加复杂。
Along with the society development and the technological power strengthens continuously in engineer's hands, its ethics responsibility begins to expanded from the beginning honest responsibility to "widespread responsibility", and causes the movement of expert to cure the national fortune. 随着社会的发展和工程师手中技术力量的不断加强,其伦理责任开始由最初的忠诚责任向普遍责任扩展,并引发了专家治国运动;
Building internationally first-class electric power enterprise relying on technological progress Interview with ZENG De-jun, Chief Engineer of Shanghai Electric Power Company 依靠技术进步全面创建国际一流电力企业&访上海市电力公司曾德君总工程师
The concept of Space Solar Power ( SSP) was first put forward in 1968 by the American engineer Peter Glaser, which had made a great progress after decades years of development and research. 1968年由美国工程师PeterGlaser提出了空间太阳能发电(SpaceSolarPower,SSP)的概念,经过几十年的发展,已取得了很大的成果。
Application and research of coder in water power engineer for arc strobe 编码器在水利工程弧形闸门中的应用
Integrating with East China Power Grid to realize optimal allocation of resource and actively meet opportunities and challenges facing Anhui Power Grid Interview with GUAN Shou-zhong, Chief Engineer of Anhui Electric Power Company 融入华东电网实现资源的优化配置积极应对安徽电网面临的机遇和挑战&访安徽省电力公司关守仲总工程师
In order to teach and the train the nuclear power plant workers, the research workout the nuclear engineer simulate demo platform by multimedia technology and get the better teaching effect. 采用现在最流行的多媒体软件编制了核工程仿真演示平台,取得了较好的教学效果。
As the stability problem of surrounding rock during the excavating process of the large and complex underground cavern is connected with the construction cost and management benefit of the whole power station project, it is always a concern for the academic and engineer circles. 大型复杂地下洞室在开挖过程中的围岩稳定问题关系到整个水电站工程的建设成本和运营效益,一直为理论界和工程界所关注。
With the development of digital design, power supply engineer not only require real time monitoring system condition, but also demand flexibly set up system parameter, quickly fault repairing, accelerate research process. 随着电子设计数字化的发展,设计人员不仅要求能够实时监控系统运行状态,还在灵活设置电源参数,诊断电源故障,快速完成设计方面提出了更好的要求。
The research of the vibration isolation and noise reduction occupies a decisive position in vibration isolation theory and practical research. Mechanical vibration caused by motive power machine has always been a hotspot of engineer circles. 隔振降噪在隔振理论和实践研究中始终占有举足轻重的地位,由动力机械引起的机械振动问题一直是工程界研究的热点之一。